Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Rudd Picks His Ear... and eats it.

From the

Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd says he wishes his behaviour was more ideal, after an internet video showed him apparently picking and eating his own ear wax in Parliament.

The video, circulated in recent weeks, dates back to Mr Rudd's early years as an MP.

It was recently played on American national television on The Tonight Show hosted by Jay Leno.

Mr Rudd wasn't sure what to think when asked about it today.

"That's great," he told reporters in Grafton, in northern NSW.

"I'm really pleased about that - how did I go on Jay Leno? I've only seen it once.

"All of us in public and private life would wish our behaviour to be more ideal."

Mr Rudd has previously told local media he was scratching his chin.

Then.... (also from the

Rudd acknowledges ear wax internet video

Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd says he wishes his behaviour was more ideal, after an internet video showed him apparently picking and eating his own ear wax in parliament.

The video, circulated in recent weeks, dates back to Mr Rudd's early years as an MP.

It was recently played on American national television on The Tonight Show hosted by Jay Leno.

Mr Rudd wasn't sure what to think when asked about it today.

"That's great," he told reporters in Grafton, in northern NSW.

"I'm really pleased about that - how did I go on Jay Leno?

"I've only seen it once.

"All of us in public and private life would wish our behaviour to be more ideal."

Mr Rudd has previously told local media he was scratching his chin.

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