Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Old Clamz

This clam is 405 yrs old you know....
From presstv

Scientists have discovered an ocean quahog clam off the coast of Iceland, which they believe to be the oldest living animal ever found.

Researchers from Bangor University in north Wales say that the number of rings on the clam's shell show its age to be between 405 and 410 years old.
This means the clam was in its infancy when Queen Elizabeth I was in power and Shakespeare was writing Othello and Hamlet.

The clam is nicknamed Ming after the Chinese dynasty, which was in power when it was born, BBC News reported.

Scientists are hopeful that Ming can offer new insights into the secrets of longevity.

"These animals have got some difference in cell turnover rates that we would associate with much shorter-lived animals," said Professor Chris Richardson, from Bangor University's School of Ocean Sciences.

The longest-lived animal recorded in the Guinness Book was a clam found in 1982 aged 220.

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