Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Epileptic Myspace


Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Man arrested after reporting pot theft

-- Read the full story" type="hidden">
A man was arrested for drug possession after telling authorities that two masked gunmen had stolen 150 pounds of marijuana from his home.

Hidalgo County sheriff's deputies arrived at the home near Penitas in South Texas to find the door kicked in and nearly 15 pounds of pot lying on the floor, Sheriff Lupe Trevino said.

Jose Guadalupe Flores, 35, escaped while the men ransacked the house but returned later and told the deputies he had been wrapping the drugs for shipment when the intruders arrived.

"The guy walked right up and said the drugs were his," Trevino said. "That's not the smartest move."

Flores, an illegal immigrant from Mexico, was charged with felony possession of marijuana at an arraignment hearing Monday. Because of his immigration status, Flores will be jailed until his case is heard.

Authorities were still searching for the gunmen.


Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Go Away / Come In!


Shooting at Carl Cox gig

Four people have been shot dead and five wounded at a gig in Caracas, as graphic aftermath footage surfaced on the web yesterday.

Vanesa Nieves, 24, Jose Rodriguez, 42, and Jonathan Gomez, 20, have been identified as the victims of the shooting, while a fourth has yet to be officially confirmed.

Reports speculate that the gun-fight broke out over alleged ecstasy trafficking.

A user of a dance-music community's forum has revealed details of the tragedy and alleges Carl Cox had barely begun his set when sounds similar to 'firecrackers' went off at the party.

The user described the scene in front of him as 'crazy', with people running for their lives.

Known as 'vjrei', the user had the camera running while the event was taking place, saying, "I was in the main [room], doing my visuals and filming the show."

After hearing the commotion, the VJ 'grabbed the camera and started to film everything [that] was going on'.

Onlookers saw the gunman 'keep shooting...then realised [sic] what he did and ran'.

Footage of the incident has since been removed from video-sharing website, YouTube.

Light Graffiti

Using LED glowsticks, flashlights, even fireworks, combined with time-lapse photography.

Most People Paid $0 for In Rainbows


LOS ANGELES (AP) - Radiohead let its fans decide how much to pay for a digital copy of the band's latest release, "In Rainbows," and more than half of those who downloaded the album chose to pay nothing, according to a study by a consumer research firm.

Some 62 percent of the people who downloaded "In Rainbows" in a four- week period last month opted not to pay the British alt-rockers a cent. But the remaining 38 percent voluntarily paid an average of $6, according to the study by comScore Inc.

Radiohead broke with its past practice of releasing its music in CD format and through a major record label when it released its seventh studio album online itself. The biggest wrinkle was the band's decision to let fans pay as much or as little as they wanted to download a copy.

The results of the study were drawn from data gathered from a few hundred people who are part of comScore's database of 2 million computer users worldwide. The firm, which has permission to monitor the computer users' online behavior, did not provide a margin of error for the study's results.

Between Oct. 1 and Oct. 29, about 1.2 million people visited the Web site the band set up for fans to download the album, comScore said Monday. The research firm did not say how many people in its study actually bought the album.

Among U.S. residents, about 40 percent who downloaded the album paid to do so. Their average payment was $8.05, the firm said.

Some 36 percent of the fans outside the U.S. who downloaded the album opted to pay; on average, those fans paid $4.64, according to the study.

Radiohead's U.S.-based publicist said Tuesday the band had no comment on the study.

The online release sent shock waves through the recording industry, with some hailing it as a shrewd move at a time of declining CD sales industrywide and others writing it off as a publicity stunt that amounted to the band giving away its music.

The band, which also offered fans the option of buying a lavish box set for about $82, plans to release the album in CD format some time next year.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Abduction Lamp

This looks awesome, not available to buy yet tho...


Seinfeld On Larry King - "Dont you know who I am?!"

Amy Winehouse - EMA Munich 2007

what a horrible performance, cant tell if its intentional or not...
either way, she seems very bored, those sugary back up singers try to keep a smile the whole time,

Thursday, November 1, 2007

World Map

What the world would look like if population determined the size of the countries.

2 Awesome Japanese Pranks

Adult Swim's Video page....

these guys have provided us with some of the decade's greatest animated comedies. inc. my faves Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Harvey Birdman, and shitload more...
these guys are giving you full episodes.. check it out...

Link: Video Section

Basketball Jones

Oh MY god a spider

Lol. watch the first few seconds on repeat. awesome.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Scumbag 07 - rudd vs howard

Play along

Saul Williams - "NiggyTardust!" New Album

Saul's got a new album available for download as of today....
Click Here

From the man himself...

My Dearest Friends and Fans,

It is my greatest honor to present to you The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of NiggyTardust!,
my new album produced by Trent Reznor and mixed by Alan Moulder. The wall of sound that we've created is tagged with such graffiti that a passerby would seek out doors and ways to ENTER. Once inside a world defined by dreams come true they'd find aligned with the simplest act of sharing what we treasure. Most people aren't aware of the world of art and commerce where exploitation strips each artist down to nigger. Each label, like apartheid, multiplies us by our divide and whips us 'til we conform to lesser figures. What falls between the cracks is a pile of records stacked to the heights of talents hidden from the sun. Yet the energy they put into popularizing smut makes a star of a shiny polished gun. The ballot or the bullet for Mohawk or the mullet is a choice between new times and dying days. And the only way to choose is to jump ship from old truths and trust dolphins as we swim through changing ways. The ways of middlemen proves to be just a passing trend. We need no priests to talk to God. No phone to call her. And when you click the link below, i think it fair that you should know that your purchase will make middlemen much poorer...




EDIT: These are the options when downloading the album:

Toons - The Stack Heels

Here's a lost Melbourne gem... "She Follows Me"

CLICK HERE for a listen to "She Follows Me"

Description from Jells Michael Avery:

4. She Follows Me: I had to keep this up there for people new to my songwriting... it's still the best production of one of my songs, though not my best song. It features the classic, short-lived Stack Heels line-up of myself, Andrew Cowie, Shags, and Joseph. Funnily enough, we played our best gig right after Joseph walked out. BTW, who was that girl who shouted out "Johnny Livewire" when I said "Neil Young has left the band so you're stuck with Crosby Stills and Nash"?? I don't know how many people got it. The Stack Heels always felt like a supergroup, like The Dirty Mac from Rock n Roll Circus.

** features a previous member of The Rumors

Rudd Picks His Ear... and eats it.

From the

Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd says he wishes his behaviour was more ideal, after an internet video showed him apparently picking and eating his own ear wax in Parliament.

The video, circulated in recent weeks, dates back to Mr Rudd's early years as an MP.

It was recently played on American national television on The Tonight Show hosted by Jay Leno.

Mr Rudd wasn't sure what to think when asked about it today.

"That's great," he told reporters in Grafton, in northern NSW.

"I'm really pleased about that - how did I go on Jay Leno? I've only seen it once.

"All of us in public and private life would wish our behaviour to be more ideal."

Mr Rudd has previously told local media he was scratching his chin.

Then.... (also from the

Rudd acknowledges ear wax internet video

Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd says he wishes his behaviour was more ideal, after an internet video showed him apparently picking and eating his own ear wax in parliament.

The video, circulated in recent weeks, dates back to Mr Rudd's early years as an MP.

It was recently played on American national television on The Tonight Show hosted by Jay Leno.

Mr Rudd wasn't sure what to think when asked about it today.

"That's great," he told reporters in Grafton, in northern NSW.

"I'm really pleased about that - how did I go on Jay Leno?

"I've only seen it once.

"All of us in public and private life would wish our behaviour to be more ideal."

Mr Rudd has previously told local media he was scratching his chin.

Demonbaby - Oink rant ' When Pigs Fly...'

Old Clamz

This clam is 405 yrs old you know....
From presstv

Scientists have discovered an ocean quahog clam off the coast of Iceland, which they believe to be the oldest living animal ever found.

Researchers from Bangor University in north Wales say that the number of rings on the clam's shell show its age to be between 405 and 410 years old.
This means the clam was in its infancy when Queen Elizabeth I was in power and Shakespeare was writing Othello and Hamlet.

The clam is nicknamed Ming after the Chinese dynasty, which was in power when it was born, BBC News reported.

Scientists are hopeful that Ming can offer new insights into the secrets of longevity.

"These animals have got some difference in cell turnover rates that we would associate with much shorter-lived animals," said Professor Chris Richardson, from Bangor University's School of Ocean Sciences.

The longest-lived animal recorded in the Guinness Book was a clam found in 1982 aged 220.

Illustrator - Eamo


From his site:
If Eamo’s work was a bag of mixed lollies from the Milkbar in 1981, there
would be 50c worth of the Outback, 40c worth of aussie summers, 30c worth of aussie bogans, 20c worth of the local pub, 10c worth of tyre swans, 5c worth
of Geelong in the 80’s and 2c worth of good ol’ downunder goodness.

you can buy his stuff here too.

New toons - Black Kids

You should check out these cats from jacksonvlle, florida...
their debut EP "The Wizzard of Ahhhs" (Listen here) seems to be causing quite a stir. good tunes, specially "Hurricane Jane" . here's a pretty lo fi party vid of them covering the clash:

The New Oink

With the sad demise of oink, as expected new sites are popping up everywhere.
in a way, I guess its only drawing more attention to the file sharing method of bittorrent-ing.... and therefore making the world of music piracy more healthy than ever.... click here for

First Post


Thought I'd give this thing a go,